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Often our residence/flat water pipe can get choke due to whatever issues got stucked in the water pipe. If we have a water rubber pump, we can simply do it ourselves to clear the choke.
You may possibly be in a position to get an injunction for instant relief from the Court. You may possibly have a trigger of action for nuisance against your landlord for damages and/or a permanent injunction. A lot depends on the terms of your lease. To do this you would have to begin a law suit, which charges income. You need to weigh in your thoughts whether it's worth hiring a lawyer or employing the cash to find a new place.
Corporate Supporters are organisations supplying or operating within the plumbing industry who have taken up a membership with MPAQ. We encourage our members to create relationships and utilise the merchandise and services supplied by our corporate members as they are actively involved and supporting the communications and events MPAQ run in supporting the business. Click here for a list of corporate supporters and their speak to details.
I now have asthma complications due to lack of ventilation & am concerned about mold expanding in the wall over time. (I located some developing on a dry item of mine.) I went to the physician & received medicine & he recommended that I do not remain at the apartment. Only now are they discussing sending a mold specialist & we still see dust in between the floorboards that we do not know how to clean.
Certainly a reading of what little is available at the 311 web site seems to confirm this. Nonetheless I also found yet another document on the site which appears to say some factors that may be relavent to my situation. Sadly no one particular at 311 or B.E.S.T can look to give me any clarification as to some of the statements therein. I'm hoping you might be capable to offer a bit of guidance.
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